Friday, 17 June 2011



There are many children out there who are suffering from disorders that can inhibit their learning abilities. they maybe having high IQ's, but be failing all the subjects in school???

How can we help them???

That is why we are having this talk to get public awareness so that these children can be helped from an early age.

The talk is on 30/07/2011 from 10.00 am till 11.30am at the following address:

11-1, Wisma Laxton, Jalan Desa, Taman Desa, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58100 Kuala Lumpur

There is a minimum fees charge of RM60.

Please do pass the message around so that more people would have the chance to be aware of the situation and help these children.

If you have any queries, please contact Kogilavani Rajendran at:

Tel (Off): 03-79824424
Tel (Hp):017-2072061

Hope to hear from you soon!!!

Thank you :)

Psychological Problems Faced by Children...

 Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is a condition diagnosed before age 18 that includes below-average general intellectual function, and a lack of the skills necessary for daily living


This disorder makes kids to experience the world differently from the way most other kids do. It's hard for kids with autism to talk with other people and express themselves using words.

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

ADHD is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination.

Asperger Syndrome

 Asperger syndrome is often considered a high functioning form of autism. People with this syndrome have difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and often are clumsy. Motor milestones may be delayed.

Learning Disability

A learning disability, or learning disorder, is not a problem with intelligence. Learning disorders are caused by a difference in the brain that affects how information is received, processed, or communicated. Children and adults with learning disabilities have trouble processing sensory information because they see, hear, and understand things differently.

Seperation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a developmental stage during which the child experiences anxiety when separated from the primary caregiver.

Specific Phobia

It is an extreme fear of a specific object or situation that is out of proportion to the actual danger or threat. In addition, an individual with a specific phobia is distressed about having the fear, or experiences significant interference in his or her day-to-day life because of the fear.

 School Phobia
It is a complex and extreme form of anxiety about going to school (but not of the school itself as the name suggests), can have many causes (see below) and can include related anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and selective mutism. Symptoms include stomachaches, nausea, fatigue, shaking, a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet.
 The disorders that are given above are the common problem that are faced by the children in the present time. There are various factors that causes these disorders. It is important for parents and teachers to know the symptoms and signs of these disorders so that they can take early precautions. 
There are screening, assessments and intervention programs that are conducted in International Psychology Centre.
There are also certification courses conducted on:  
  •  Sandplay Therapy 
  • Child Psychology Certification Course
  •  Family Therapy 
  • Clinical Supervision
  • Play Therapy

For further Information, Please do contact:

Kogilavani Rajendran
Supervised Psychologist,
International Psychology Centre
Tel: 0379824424

Thursday, 16 June 2011

The Future Leaders.....

                    by : Michelle R Kidwell

Oh precious Leaders of tomorrow

I write these words

Praying for your guidance

Tomorrow may seem far away

And the future sometimes

May seem bleak

But you my children

Are gifts from Heaven

Sent to brighten the way.

I pray that your path be

Lead in ligh

Do not follow the

Darkened way

Satan will try to grab

A hold of you

Tell him

To go away.

I pray for you

Our children

Our future

To have a bright


And that you may lead

The way

With love.